....ahh now sleep, before God makes the boy creep on you. the kid has waited 17 years of study and research. rejected from his homeland, went to the Heartland....left there because he tried to lay the foundation of your Pages correctly, like Bush..and bush tring to make revelation come to be man made. Or was he just a mouthpeice because the seal of 144,000 was a clinton base closing military set up for the future...
the republicans ran their campaign against Obama with an ad saying, 'this is your Moses folkz, he has came after the Apostle of Peace 40 years i have a dream...
and like Gods people of the past, He led the Jews for 40 years before okaying jearusalem
...yes we jear wryly at peace..
you see all will be liberated before the mold is set,
invisible hands has lended the spirit
to make sure He has a one and lone assassin,
if He ever couldn't git you in your bunker
with the weather,
and it was padded with all the weopons in the world,
the boy would come find you,
and find a feather on the way,
use the prickly end in the neck to set you free,
you might think He isn't here physically...
but then again you just might not be a congressmens family of foolz
the republicans ran their campaign against Obama with an ad saying, 'this is your Moses folkz, he has came after the Apostle of Peace 40 years i have a dream...
and like Gods people of the past, He led the Jews for 40 years before okaying jearusalem
...yes we jear wryly at peace..
you see all will be liberated before the mold is set,
invisible hands has lended the spirit
to make sure He has a one and lone assassin,
if He ever couldn't git you in your bunker
with the weather,
and it was padded with all the weopons in the world,
the boy would come find you,
and find a feather on the way,
use the prickly end in the neck to set you free,
you might think He isn't here physically...
but then again you just might not be a congressmens family of foolz