
Monday, September 24, 2012


....... the seven seals
I was watching a program on history channel about biblical stuff, like the two scientists who littlerally made the Manna Machine that Mose used in the book to feed the Jews.  The program also acknowledged another time line in Revelations according to the opening of the Seven Seals; saying,
some of the Seals have been Opened. i concur. In 2004 a few of the seals were opened.  The Vision of Agog and Magog---but more Visions await in Daniel.  The fight of Armegeddon.  So when is judgement?  Mathew 24 tribulations?  The Reconing. Doomsday.
      Are others around me feeling rapture?  If you knew Him, would theophany and rapture have the same definition?  And what about those days Daniel speaks and gives Us to the Distress of Nations comes about.  2010 the muslim countries Egypt, Syria, Lybia, I.E. on and on.  His vision vision timeline puts Us in the year 2014, and jives with us, and say will you'if we make it to the last of the two dates, then truely we will be blessed'. Have you a clue.  Do you think you know or have you even considedered?