why is six afraid of seven? be cause 7 8 9
2011 2=0=1=1 is year four
2012 2=01=2 is year five cyrus ref.
2013 2=0=1=3 is year six
2014 2=0=1=4 is 7
2=0=1-5 is year eight
2116 is year 9........
revelations 13:18
here iz wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of mankind. His number is 666
6+6+6=18 1+8= 9
2010 octobr 3rd year Ikings18 ref. mark 9:12, plus all the rain/snowmelt.
Daniel 12:the time of distress of the Nations
"end days....loma! daniel 12:6,7 ref. matthew 24, then back to daniel 12:11. 1,290 something days...around 2014 in the future...7th year of the Lord.
daniel 12:12. 1,335 days. four years and som days big ref. ezekiel 20..go finger that one out.