...this is the last time i tell you white people before the bridegroom comes to feast. remember you are whats for dinner. i couldnt wash away how white i look; but i was raised mexican all through my life, with the little bit of native american i want to destroy you for oppressing them, then blacks and now Arizona laws against the mexican...
whats wrong with you? whitey. if you aren't hatin on som culture or at war in a third world country you aint white. you aint right white. i dont beleive in your white pages your saints will be in white--white sheets. your white jesus or your white overtranslated Word. where is the book of Maccubees? God has told me, almost twenty years ago..He is pissed at withheld testimonies and your over translated White pages.
when i say jesus i pronounce it hey-zues...jesus is a mexican word and zues is greek===either way whiteymof america, we don't c u n your new revised stanard american edition...the translation stops at King James and his scholars version, but i use your certain scriputed short in different books and chapters of the Gideons...better you realize all the prayin and cryin aint gonna save you..the things you have did to other cultures will be His justified purpose of a future without your hate..unlike the first foriegn bank you bailedout with US tax dollars..Germany learned to eliviate and fine through your propoganda televisions, but unlike you republican hate machine; you feed a little longer on hate inspired presidential campaigns...then i'll still have the Justifcation of killing you your hate inspired party, the tea party...all these things will come to pass and you will know His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.