
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

                       Why is six afraid of seven?
because 7 eight 9...
2011=year 4
2012=year 5
2013= year 6
                                   Revelations 13:18
Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beaSt, for it is the number of man.  His number is 666.                          6+6+6=18
                                  1+8= 9
2010 October, the third year.  I Kings 18.   Also the actual burning of Mt. Caramel in Israel.  Ref Mark 9:12.
                                   Daniel 12
Ref. Matthew 24:6.   In Daniel chapter twelve is the Time of the Distress of the nations.
       End of days more like LOL.    Daniel 12:11, One thousand, two hundred, and ninety days.   Daniel 12:12, blessed be those who make it to one thousand three hundred and thirty five days.
     Which will be the seventh year.   A big future reference is Ezekiel 20.  In the 7th year, fifth month, and on the tenth day.
                                    The Woes.
               Chapter 9 verse twelve.. firtst Verse 7 and in Nostradamus quatrains the Locust plague passed in 04.  Now on to verse 12..
                                    Woe 2.  Revelations 11:13.   I email MSNBC in 2008 this specific verse to the Morning Joe show.  And by two months later 80,000 had died in China.  The Chinese government said the verse itself, about seven thousand died after the initial quaking in the Shezuan Providence.
                                    Woe 3  October 2010.  I wrote to CNN  the chapeter 11 verse 14(and the third woe comes quickly).  March 2011 Tidal wave in Japan and nucular plant meltdown happens.  Reference  The Book of Isaiah.