so the spirit said to me 'come with me'
let me explain the mysteries of the Gospel
let Him reveal the secrets of the text...
let me not enjoy the physical changes of my body
let me not enjoy the transformation of independ thought
to the world of perception.
Let me understand the powers i was given
the simple magic from nearly the Presence;
like how light on the street can be turn off and on with the simple thought.
let the perception not hinder my life let not the understanding of His will destroy my
existance. Let what it is be what it we say 'it is what it is'
Let you know that i cannont see my aura, nor others, but i know i can wield the elements,
i can see the stars and their pulse, while being able to see the stars which are not stars at all.
Let you know we are not alone....let you know we are about to face battles that i spark
let you know that i not only threaten my government but other countries as well
let you know i came to be by the holy spirit
let you know i went to the american government and told them i was here it is time.
Since that nines years ago they have taken your realestate, the collapse stockmarket, lower your credit rating as a nation....demeaned your money forclosed on you...never came to help with hurricane Sandy....i continue to mock them i continue this small fight in a greater battle that is all around. From the spirit world opening to the aligning of the solar system to the wrath which follows.